America’s changing times and you.

What would it take for the citizens of our (used to be) great nation to start a revolution?

With all of the recent whistle blowing about the evasive spying, and the cuts to food stamps for our poorest citizens, or the lack of jobs for out lower and middle class blue collar citizens?

Are we getting closer to having riots and civil unrest?

Most of the Americans usually fall into three trains of thought on this.

This first and the probably the majority would say no all of the government’s policies are in effect to try to fix the problems we face in today’s world. A world where we fear terrorist attacks in our own city’s, and see other countries having the same economic troubles. These people are most likely elderly, religious, or have medium to high income jobs.

The second who are the working class, most likely disagree with our current government. They see the government as another thing for the TV and newspapers to write about. They don’t agree with hardly any of the choices the government makes, but they realize that it doesn’t really change their day to day activities.  They have the mentality that the nsa is probably spying on Thier Internet activities but they aren’t doing anything wrong and it doesn’t slow down Thier browsing speed so they don’t care. They still have to wake up and go to work the next day no matter what the government does. They see the cost of gas, and food rising and Thier pay staying the same. That is if they are lucky enough to have a job. Which they will do almost anything to hold on to. It’s how they were raised by Thier parents and Thier parents government. This group of people is likely to be the skilled labour workers, union workers, families where both husband and wife have to work to raise Thier young kids, not as religious as Thier parents, and tired of having to struggle just to feed Thier family and have gas money to get to work.

Lastly you have the lower class poverty striken minorities, you have the college kids that are surviving on ramen noodles when they try to complete Thier college courses, these people figure that this is the world they live in, they have too hard of a time trying to pay rent, or buy gifts for Thier kids for the holidays they don’t even hear about government policies they don’t have cable or Internet in Thier homes, in till they call to see why Thier food stamps are lower then they should be. They don’t have time for the government. This group is rural poor, urban poor, struggling to make ends meet. They get taken advantage of because they don’t have the means to provide for themselves they have to rely on others.

If you look at the different points in history where revolutions actually changed the way things were, you can see some common points.

1) the upperclass makes too many mistakes and can’t fix the repercussions that they caused. And the upperclass splits with one side starting to support the revolution for Thier own agenda.

2) the lower class joins forces with the middle class and together they revolt fighting side by side in till the government stops them or they are successful. At which point the classes will split back to being separated middle and lower and it starts the cycle of abusive government over agian.

3) you have a situation similar to the revolutionary war. They comman man has had enough and is successful in getting rid of the government to establish his own better idea of a government. However given human nature and time all forms of government will fail.

Humans are not capable of representing every other humans needs, Thier should not be a government let people take care of thierselfs, the people that are a drain on the hard working would either change or die. They people that make houses are going to make houses, we don’t really need a entitled person to make choices for people that don’t live and work in the same situations. That is how greed takes control, it’s how come all media is biased, it’s why other countries don’t like American government. It’s why we can’t go to a sports game with out being subjected to dna profiling and a homeland security background check.

Please leave your comments below, share your ideas in how you and your family are prepping for this if your doing anything at all. Is it even a concern that Americans feel is a possibility?

Rabbit trapping



To be effective, the rabbit trap should be constructed of fairly good lumber. The door and its guides are critical points, since gravity must close the door after the trigger is tripped. Be sure there is enough space between the guides that the door slides without binding. Some people extend the guides about 1 inch above the top of the trap to support the door. When the door is raised and the trigger is set, at least 2 inches or more of the door should be in the guide tracks. The opening should be at least 4 inches high. This height can be adjusted by changing the length of the string between the door and lever.

The trigger is not complicated, although it may require some fine-tuning to insure a quick release when contact is made.

Location and Operation

Rabbits live in areas where good escape cover is available–in brushpiles, briar patches and thick fencerows. They also prefer low-cut bluegrass mixed with clovers and shrubs. In order to catch rabbits, the box trap must be placed in or along the runs or trails made by rabbits using these areas.

Opinions vary as to the importance of baits for the box trap. Some prefer baits such as apples, carrots or corn, while others use no bait at all. Baits may attract opossums and skunks in search of an easy meal.
Care should be taken to place the trigger notch on the edge of the hole nearest the door. This will insure its release when the animal pushes against it upon entering the trap.

With a little modification in the size during construction, this trap design may be adapted to catch other, larger or even smaller animals. Nuisance animals may be trapped and moved to another area, using the box for transport.


These traps must be used in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Wildlife Code of you state.